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Librarians’ Recommendation:"Charming Hangzhou"

--Peng Xishuang(Librarian of Hangzhou Public Library) 


Today, I recommend “Charming Hangzhou” to everyone.

I remember Jiangnan, and I remember Hangzhou the most.




This year, the 19th Asian Games commenced on September 23 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China. To enhance visitors’ understanding and appreciation of the city’s allure, the Yiguan Culture of Hangzhou, in collaboration with the Seven Colors Kingdom, meticulously crafted a remarkable three-dimensional book titled “Charming Hangzhou”. This exquisite volume showcases the city’s essence through seven vividly recreated scenes, each capturing a distinct facet of Hangzhou’s rich heritage and promising future, which are Liangzhu Culture, West Lake Yunshui, Lingyin Zen, Qiantang River Tide, Imperial Street of Southern Song Dynasty, Qianjiang New City, and the Asian Games Hall. 



he craftsmanship and structure of this three-dimensional book are nothing short of remarkable. Within its pages, you can explore the 360-degree view of the “Six Harmony Pagoda,” complete with thirteen floors of intricately designed eaves and corridors. Over 400 meticulously crafted paper art pieces come together to form a sprawling urban landscape, including the iconic “West Lake Cloud Water” structure.



And then there’s the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Expo City Tennis Center, affectionately known as the “Little Lotus.” Inspired by the lotus flower, this architectural marvel features a rotating open-and-close roof that adapts to weather conditions. As I read this book with my child, we are delighted to discover that even the miniature “Little Lotus” pavilion within its pages can mimic this ingenious movement—truly an awe-inspiring detail!


(source of the pictures: