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Yinghui, HPL Director, meets with a delegation from Busan



On 11th September, Ying Hui,Director of Hangzhou Public Library, met with a delegation of Busan Metropolitan Simin Municipal Library, and had a talk about the posibility of future cooperation. 


Ying Hui reviewed the long-termpartnerships between the HPL and libraries overseas. She said, over the past years, the HPL had increased mutual exchanges and cooperation, and maintained frequent exchanges of visits with partners.


The delegation was presented the books donated by overseas partner libraries and showed great interests in a possible partnership to be built with HPL.


After the meeting, the delegation visited around HPL. 


The Busan Metropolitan Simin Municipal Librarydates its founding to the 1901creation of a reading room of the Busan branch of the Nihon Kōdōkai, acultural organization servicing the then sizable resident Japanese settlerpopulation. This reading room was later expanded and opened to the public in1913 as the “Busan City Library.” The city escaped the destruction of the Korean War, ensuring the preservation of the library’s substantial collectionof Japanese-language publications.

For more information about Busan Metropolitan Simin Municipal Library, please go to:http://www.siminlib.go.kr/main.asp