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ORDINARY Hangzhou in Milan

The Milan Public Library System is a network that links 24 branch libraries, the bookmobile Bibliobus and the central library Sormani. It provides citizens of all ages with access to a wide range of high-quality and updated collections and information resources. Housed in a 17th century historical building, in the centre of the city, the Biblioteca Sormani is the central public library of Milan. ORDINARY Hangzhou opened in the Biblioteca Sormani on August 25, and lasted for 15 days, at least 4500 people visited the exhibition. It was set up near the main entry of the library in order to ensure that each reader can enjoy the exhibition.

1. https://www.pressreader.com/italy/corriere-della-sera-milano/20160825/281719794003362
2. http://www.mentelocale.it/agenda-eventi/milano/29595-ordinary-hangzhou-hangzhou-tutti-giorni-apertura-al-pubblico.htm
3. http://www.partecipami.it/calendar/event/1/5354
4. http://laprovinciapavese.gelocal.it/tempo-libero/arte-e-fotografia/evento/mostra_ordinary_hangzhou_alla_biblioteca_sormani-120691.html
5. http://milano.repubblica.it/tempo-libero/arte-e-fotografia/evento/mostra_ordinary_hangzhou_alla_biblioteca_sormani-120691.html?refresh_ce