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International Art Exhibition: Body Space

This international group exhition presents artworks exploring notions of body and space.


We all conceive these three dimensions around us through our own body. What is this vessel we inhabit? We are linked to it through the materiality of our flesh and bones, and through our existential perceptual understanding. But why we are here and what are our bodies for? This has perplexed and fascinated philosophers form the dawn of civilisation and is rich source material for Eastern and Western thinkers.


We exit in different kinds of spce and these areas are activated when somehing apperas in them. If we draw a small black point on a piece of paper, at the same moment the comparsion between “body of a point” and “sapce of a paper”reveals itself. But what happens if we add to a body the characteristics of sapce and begin to conceptualize and explore the sapce that our physiques occpuy?


Through art, the body becomes a sapce for experiments and action. Artistis are creating a new definioton of what the body is, creating new identities and new forms of body representation. Artists in this exhibition explore these notions and express aspects of their rich cultural identities. Through their works also trace multiple sensations they experience living in their own unique bodies and sapces.



Name: International Art Exhibition: Body Space

Where: Exhibition Hall of Hangzhou Public Library

When: Saturday 23 April to Wednesday 11 May

Enquiries: 0571-86535079