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Consul-General of Consulate General of Ireland in Shanghai Visited the Hangzhou Public Library

On 18 May, Ms. Wendy Dorman-Smith, Consul-General of Consulate General of Ireland in Shanghai, and Ms. Alison Meagher, Deputy Consul-General of the Consulate visited the Hangzhou Public Library. Mr. Lu Xiaolong, Deputy Director of Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, TV and Tourism warmly received the guests. Zhang Yawen from Foreign Affair Office, Liu Dong, the director of the library, and Hu Fang, the deputy director of the library were also present at the reception.

Mr. Lu Xiaolong and Ms. Wendy Dorman-Smith had a cordial talk. Mr. Lu Xiaolong recognized the achievements of cultural exchanges between the Hangzhou Public Library and the Boole Library in University College Cork over the past years and hoped that there would be more extensive cultural exchanges between two sides. Ms. Wendy Dorman-Smith attached great importance to the cultural cooperation between Ireland and the beautiful city Hangzhou.


Mr. Lu Xiaolong communicated with Ms. Wendy Dorman-Smith


A number of original Irish literature arrived at the library that day along with the Irish guests. Ms. Wendy Dorman-Smith said that books were a carrier of cultural exchanges. She donated these books to the library on behalf of the consulate to express their gratitude for the role the library has played in cultural communications between two countries.

Ms. Wendy Dorman-Smith donating books to the library


Mr. Lu giving cultural and creative products to Ms. Wendy Dorman-Smith


director of the library Liu Dong giving thanks letter of donation to Ms.Wendy Dorman-Smith

To Ireland, the library users have a close affinity with it. As early as 2012, two exchange librarians from the Boole Library in University College Cork came here at the library service of our users. As recently as 2019, 3 Irish culture activities were held in the library in cooperation with Consulate General of Ireland in Shanghai to celebrate the 40th anniversary of China-Ireland diplomatic ties.

Youyi Visual exhibition held in 2019


During the tour around the library, the guests were deeply impressed by the very accessible library service, Hifi room in the music branch, those ancient books kept on 3rd floor and the book shelf representing Hangzhou Public Library’s partnerships built with overseas libraries. Ms. Wendy Dorman-Smith said that 40,000 square meters of floor area, 7.3 million collections, and averagely 10,000 visitors per day are huge numbers to a country like Ireland which has a population of only 5 million. Behind these figures, she could see a warm and comfortable library.

guests visiting donation area from the Boole Library in University College Cork


guests looking at the paintings and calligraphy of Song Dynasty


Guests looking at thread-bound Chinese books


group picture


Both sides wish to further enhance and deepen the cooperation in the future, to better function as a bridge that could bring Irish culture in and deliver local and Chinese culture abroad.